All about the youth group of the United Churches of Kamloops

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

FUN! Lots of fun, lots of ideas...

Wow! What a fun group! Tonight was the first night and it was a blast! I loved playing all the games and the ideas for things to do were great! Some of the ideas are: a movie night; lots of theater sports; raising money to support a cause in our community - like the SPCA; doing a project that involves social justice in our world- we have KUC members who are involved in projects in Cambodia and in Guatemala so there are opportunities there; coming up with a group name; a field trip; camping, adding our own pictures to our blog, and more! I love the ideas so just keep dreaming - who knows where we will end up! Thanks for the great time everyone! Michele
We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future. Franklin D. Roosevelt 32nd president of US (1882 - 1945)

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