All about the youth group of the United Churches of Kamloops

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lots of changes are going on for youth! In June I finished the contract as the youth leader for the three United Churches in Kamloops. I have found that the time commitment is too much for me so after much thought and prayer I made the choice to reduce my commitments to youth. With me not continuing with the youth contract and some changes needed because of the way youth group has been developing there is a new structure emerging. We are going to split the youth group into 2 different groups—a Senior Youth Group for youth in grades 8-12 and a Junior Youth Group for youth in grades 5-7. At this point we are still looking for a person to fill the contract position who will be responsible for the Junior Youth Group. We hope to have someone fill this position soon and will keep you updated on how this is developing. I will continue to be involved in the Senior Youth Group. This youth group will have a bit different format and focus but the fun will still be there! Senior youth group will be lead by three united church ministers each taking turns at leading a confirmation class. The confirmation classes will run for 11 weeks—from October 5th to December 14th. Confirmation would take place around the Easter season. In January the youth group will look at mission in action with being active in the community and plan for a mission trip for some time during the year. It will be a year filled with great opportunities, lots of laughing, fun, faith and food! Watch for more info coming about Jr. Youth Group, events like Family Night and youth retreats like Naarai Kir so stay tuned!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


We are going to watch Avatar on Saturday night and I am rather excited! I happen to list this movie as one of my all time favorite movies and I love that I get to share it with the youth! I think one of the things I like most is the connections in this movie. The way the main character Jake connects again with his body, the way the Na'vi connect with one another and with the world they live in and particularly the way the planet is connected. I have often thought of the interconnectedness that we lack within our culture. I think we get so wrapped up in being connected through electronic ways that we forget to connect in human ways. Go hug a tree, a person, or the earth today and feel more connected... oh, and come watch the movie!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's All about Love

A picture says a thousand words right? In December we started working on collecting images of what the youth thought God’s love looks like using Photovoice. Photovoice is used as a way to have those who are marginalized in community to share a story, their viewpoint, or a message about how they see the world, in a powerful way. Using image youth have an opportunity to share how they see God’s love in our world. This project will also offer a gift to the church community when we share the images for February 14th—a day we celebrate love in our society. When thinking about this question think about the world around you. Where do you see God? Where in nature to you see the gifts God has given us? Where in community do you see God's love. I took this image when at the 40th General Council meeting of the United Church of Canada. It was after a night of dancing and this group of friends were praying together before heading off to bed. this is what i see in the picture "God’s love is good friends who love you, a place to be yourself, a community who accepts you, a place you can show God’s love to others." We need more images ,so youth, get out the camera and find God’s love in our world. Send any photos to Michele by Feb 10th at please include what makes you think the image looks like God’s love.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year - New Stuff

Welcome to the new year! I like the new year because it follows Christmas and the promises that come with Jesus being born. It is an immensely hopeful time. At youth group we begin the year with a few projects on te go. Youth will be able to participate in a drama for worship service at Mt. paul United Church, we are taking photos of what youth think God's Love looks like so we can gift the three congregations with these images and we have a new activity A Night For Families - a night where families with children of all ages can come for a meal, some fun, and some relaxation with no cooking or dishes! A Night for Families will be happening on the second Friday of each month so this first night on January 15th is just the beginning! check out the youth newsletter - Random Acts of Youth for the latest scoop on youth group and all the events for January.