All about the youth group of the United Churches of Kamloops

Monday, November 3, 2008


So we fell back and I loved it this morning because I feel all rested and like I slept in for an hour or so... But this got me thinking about time and how time can fly by so quickly and I didn't get to do all I wanted - or needed - to do.  My husband Scott loves the picture by Salvidor Dali called The Persistance of Memory.  I love that image of time melting because it feels like that sometimes.  It also reminds me that Time is a construction of our society... we have made time into something we understand but to do that we have all kinds of rules about it.  I often think that if we have put time in a box to make it into something we understand then what else do we have to give rules to so we can get it.  Thnk about some beliefs you hold and see if they have rules and boxes so you can get it. What would those beliefs be like if you didn't put them in a box?

Monday, October 6, 2008


Have you ever watched Ace of Cakes? They are the most amazing group of young adults who work together to make incredible cake.  I am always amazed that they can create such art and then let people eat it! i guess it is like the mandalas that the Buddhist Monks create.... They make these beautiful art pieces out of sand then when they complete the mandala they brush it away.  It is a lesson in impermanence (something that is not permanent).  It is a reflection on the way life is...nothing is forever we can never tell when something - someone -will be gone.  So I like Ace of Cakes because it reminds me that i need to live my life fully, make beautiful things and have my cake and eat it to! What have you done today to live your life to the fullest? 

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Moving Mountains

People often talk about exciting or difficult things by saying "it was like moving mountains." Well, I think right now I will say all difficult or exciting things are like moving houses. I don't mean picking up a house and moving it but packing all the mounds of stuff and moving it to a different house. Why would I say this you ask? Well we are in the last stages of packing to move into our new house so it is both exciting and difficult. I am at the point of wondering why we have so much stuff? Do we need it all? How did we get so sucked into being rampant counsumers? Will we ever get everything packed? Does it multiply when we aren't looking? Will I ever find things once we get to where we are going? So sometimes life is like moving houses exciting and difficult all at once!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Time Flies

Wow! I can't believe it is September all of you are back at school and summer vacation is fading fast......... Is it that time flies when you are having fun or that time slows down when you have to do stuff that isn't as fun? So what part of your summer flew by? What was most amazing? Here is my most amazing moment from the summer.

Yeah, i know it looks like a rather bad and boring picture of water but it actually a picture of the coolest encounter i have had with nature. So it started with kayaking on a river in Coutenay thinking we would not see much sealife. Then we started to see them, seals splashing and diving or just poking their heads up to look out of the water and watch these odd creatures floating in the river. When we thought we had seen the coolest thing it got better. The white spot in the water is a very large and dead Salmon being wrestled, rolled and eaten by a large seal. There were four of them each taking turns eating this Salmon and we had front row seats - close enough to them to get splashed! It was a moment when i truely realized how people could be so passionate about this world that god has made. I saw the beauty of the seals and wondered how people could destroy them? I also realized that if people don't spend time with nature it becomes really easy to not care for the earth because we stay far away ; we don't see the impact of what we are doing.

So think back to your summer.... did you find a moment to connect with nature? Did you have time that flew? Are you ready to come back? Maybe we can find some some ways to make time fly.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I haven't been writing lately, have you noticed? I have been saying to myself it's just writers block... there's just nothing coming to me. Tonight I was sitting in my car getting ready to drive home and I just paused for five minutes and that is when it came to me.... I don't have writers block I have listeners block! I have not been stopping long enough to hear anything most of all what God is saying to me. So now a short break to give a brief explanation of "God talking to me". This is the ongoing conversation I have with God - me talking sometimes in my head and sometimes out loud, sometimes really out loud - Then there is me stopping - stopping doing, stopping the busy making, stopping the chaos, stopping the running. I just sit still. As I let my thoughts slow then I have space to hear the thoughts, ideas and directions that God places in my mind. How do I know they are from God? Sometimes it is obvious because the thought or idea or direction is just too sane or too out there to be my own. Sometimes I can feel my mind and body relax with a sense of peace and calm that I don't find until I listen for God. Sometimes I just know that I am not alone - that God sits with me. It is the times that I listen that my faith feels nurtured and I feel faith growing and stretching. So what was the point of this moment? Recognition of the busy I put myself into - that in our society our culture we say it is not just OK but expected that each of us with be busy, running, on the go, really involved in all we can be. This idea is not just adults it's kids too! How many activities have you done this week? How much time have you spent on homework, a project for school or practice for one of the many things you are involved in? I don't think that this is necessarily a bad thing but a life with go needs the balance of a life with stop. I was part of the planning group for worship at presbytery (our wider United Church gathering) and the theme was 'Be Still' - a theme of rest, rejuvenation and relaxation. The worship for the weekend embraced Psalm 46:10a "Be still and know that I am God." In my hunt for multimedia insight on this passage I found this great Video done by Jim Clark who is a Student Minister at Fox Valley Christian Church in Batavia, Illinois. Check it out then ask yourself when are you still enough to listen?

Check out Jim's Blog

Monday, March 31, 2008

Super Heros

In January one of the youth went to Hawaii and brought back some wonderful photos, check some of them out in the previous post. Last month we had a night about images and how powerful they are and then we had a night about how powerful words are. So what happens when we combine those two? Superpowers! have you ever wondered what a word superhero would do? Look it's Super Word Woman she can spell tall words in a single bound, stop speeding insults with her mouth and is mightier than the word Supercalifragilous Expialidocious! Her sidekick is Projector Boy with his super projector vision he is more powerful than computer processor. Together they are invincible against ads that make you want to buy things you don't need, bullies who want to hurt you with their words, and games where killing is cool. With Generator man not even Blackout Boy can defeat them! Think it will be the next hit for Marvel Comics?

Beauty and surfing.......

What a great combo sand, surf and sunsets! One of our youth had travelled to Hawaii in January and brought back great memories and amazing photos! Here are a couple of the pictures.... these are the ones that make me want to go there! Images are powerful. Just as powerful as these images are in showing beauty and fun images can be used to portray: devastation and violence as cool. They can give a distorted idea of how people should look to be considered beautiful, how people should act to be cool or what people need to buy to be happy. Think about what the images around you are saying....

Monday, February 25, 2008

Spiritual Friends

Well I was off travelling this weekend spending time with our Presbytery - that is the group of United Churches in the Kamloops Okanagan. We get together at least twice a year to make decisions about policies, find out what is happening in our churches, the United Churches in BC and the United Churches across Canada. It is pretty interesting but the thing I like the best is the people. I have had a couple of people talk about how the church is the people and that is so true. The cool thing about this weekend was seeing all the different people - including some really amazing youth- that make up our church! For church on Sunday the Minister spoke about Spiritual Friendships and right away I thought about youth group. In youth group we have talked a little about being teased because of going to church or about friends not knowing you go to church, to youth group, or believe in God. When it is difficult to be different because of a spiritual belief it is always easier to have spiritual friends. These friends speak some of the same language, have some of the same challenges and have a way of supporting each other that is unique in a great way! Thanks for being my spiritual friends!

Water, Water everywhere and not a drop to drink....

Well this week we go swimming and I keep thinking about how much water there is in the pool at the Y and how little water some people have. I was looking at some facts about water and here are a couple of interesting things I found: -*70% of our Earth's surface is covered by water but before you get excited 97.5% of all water on Earth is salt water, leaving only 2.5% as fresh water and les than 1% of that water is accessible as drinking water. -*In Mozambique the average water use is 3 gallons per person per day and in Canada the average water use is 209 gallons per person per day. -*It's estimated that bottled water is between 240 and 10,000 times more expensive than tap water and some companies pay little or nothing for the water they take out of groundwater streams and aquifers. -*A tap leaking one drop of water per second wastes more than 25 L of water a day - that’s 9,000 L a year! -*A five-minute shower with a standard showerhead uses 100 L of water where a five-minute shower with a low-flow showerhead uses 35 L of water. -*Only 10% of our home water supply is used in the kitchen and as drinking water but a whopping 65% of it is used in the bathroom

Here are a few water conservation tips: **Repair leaky faucets and always turn off your taps tightly so they don't drip - even a small drip can waste tons of water. **Turn off the water while brushing your teeth or washing your hands. **Have showers instead of baths and keep them short (5 minutes). **Install low-flow showerhead. **Install a low-flush toilet (that uses 6 litres or less per flush), or place a toilet insert or weighted plastic bottle filled with water in the water tank. **Don’t run the water continuously while thawing food, hand washing dishes or while washing fruits and veggies; use a partially filled sink instead with a quick rinse afterward. **Wash full loads and use the shortest cycle. **If you water your lawn, do it in the cool morning to avoid evaporation and be careful not to water the pavement. **Plant trees, shrubs, herbs and flowers that are native and generally require less care and water.

Swim Night 6:30-8:00 Meeting @ the KUC Youth Room - Swimming at the Kamloops Y.

Where you can find more info on water issues:

Monday, February 11, 2008

Ashes, ashes we all fall down.....

Well, I know that this is a nursery rhyme about the black plague but I have had this line running through my head since last youth night which happened to be Ash Wednesday. Really that line of the rhyme is a great description of Lent. We start with the symbolizim of ashes and oil - for repentance - and come into a time of falling down looking at what seperates us from God. Then we expereince the surprising ways of God in being pulled to our feet, brushed off and gently held. In our desire to be closer to God - God comes to us, caring for us. On Ash Wednesday the youth blessed one another saying " Be open to God's surprising ways. Let faith find you" The ashes are a reminder that one day we will die, and the shape of the cross reminds us that whether we live or whether we die, we are not alone. We belong to God who has much to surprise us with. These youth constantly surprise me with their openess, friendship, creativity, courage, smarts, enthusiasm and their love of their world. I think they are one of God's Surprising ways -I have been Blessed!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Shrove Tuesday.......Ash Wednesday

It seems so early for the Shrove pancake dinner to come. I don't think I ever paid attention to when Shrove Tuesday came but I do remember being excited to eat pancakes and sausages for dinner! I know that I now have a fondness for sausages and syrup because of all the Shrove Tuesday dinners. It wasn't until I was an adult that I started to see the history, the symbolism and how this could be part of my life besides a fun dinner. This time of year is my chance to see where I am at with my faith, my spirituality. It is a time when I can check out if my everyday life uses my faith. I guess where I want to be is where my everyday faith uses my life. Where does your faith sit in your life?
So come join the youth at KUC for Shrove Tuesday Dinner and stay for Ash Wednesday Service.
The youth are invited to help serve dinner at the Shrove Tuesday Pancake dinner. Date:Tuesday Feb. 5
Time: Set up at 4:30
dinner 5:00 - 6:30pm
Ash Wednesday service 6:30 - 7:00

Want to know more about Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday? Click here to check out the United Church Canada Web site

Monday, January 21, 2008

UCYG Events for January and February

Tuesday, January 22nd Board Night
board games night
6:30 - 8:00pm KUC Youth Room
Tuesday, January 29th Mould me
clay creations
6:30 - 8:00pm KUC Youth Room
Wednesday, February 6th Drama Queen
a night of Drama and theatre sports
6:30 - 8:00pm KUC Youth Room
Wednesday, February 13th Around the world in 60 min.
learning about how local people can impact our world
6:30 - 8:00pm KUC Youth Room
Saturday, February 16th Movie Night
Special Event 6pm-9pm come for a movie and popcorn
6:00 - 9:00pm KUC Youth Room
Wednesday, February 20th ieyes Images of God
photos and other images that remind us God is all around
6:30 - 8:00pm KUC Youth Room
Wednesday, February 27th Swim Night
@ the Y
6:30 - 8:00pm Meet @ KUC Youth Room


Wow, it seems like a long time since I posted and it has been! This last week I have has lots of time for thinking - forced on me by the flu invading our house. I was able to make some decisions, with the help of the youth, about what to do for the next 6 weeks. So, I have a schedule and will post that so everyone knows the happenings with UCYG. I was able to join the Mt. Paul congregation this Sunday for their worship service. It was great! If you get a chance to join them take it! They are a warm and welcoming congregation, the music was terrific - an enthusiastic groups of singers and hand drums to boot! They have been blessed with a great minister -Boyd Drake - who gave a sermon that really made me think. (Always a good thing, Thanks Boyd!) I also had the privilege of doing the time with the children and getting to tell one of my favorite stories The Blind Men and the Elephant. If you don't know the story then ask me sometime and I will share it with you. Boy, I feel like a restaurant critic.... "I would give this congregation four stars...." It really was a great time there, thanks everyone for your warm welcome. Stay tuned for UCYG Events

Saturday, January 12, 2008

New Year - New Beginnings

A new year, some new beginnings and with all things new there are some changes. I have been thinking about changes lots lately. How things continually begin and end, nothing really stays the same. One obvious change has been me starting the new year with you and with that is a change of nights. So beginning in February we will meet 6:30-8:00 on Wednesdays - until then we will continue to meet on Tuesdays 6:30 - 8:00. Another change in this new year is Patricia McColl's retirement and the extended time away for her and Ron, her husband. It will be weird (I was going to put unusual and then decided it will be weird) to not have Patricia there on Sundays participating in worship leadership and Ron singing in Choir. I know that Patricia has touched the lives of many in the communities of KUC, Mt.Paul and Plura Hills and this includes you, the youth, in our community. What's that?? You haven't met Patrica or just don't know her well? You're wondering how she has touched your life? Well even if Patricia has not been involved in your life in a personal way she has continually encouraged the United Church community in Kamloops to make children and youth an important part of who we are as a Church. She has inspired and encouraged many to step in and step up to create youth programs. She brings awareness that you are important to us as a whole community and with out you we would be missing so much. As always with something new we we see change. I will miss Patricia and the things she brings to our community. I also know that she has taught us how to continue to include children and youth in our community, how to learn what you have to teach us adults and how to continue to inspire and encourage others to see you as the amazing individuals you are! Thanks Patrica for everything!
So this Tuesday: come out to put in your vote for what goes on the definitive list of things to do for January and February, make your own "pockets" to put your blessings, gratitude, wishes and wants for the new year, play some theater sports and of course have something yummy to eat! Oh, did I mention that all this will actually be fun and possibly silly at times? Can't wait to see you there! ~ Michele
Youth Group on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00pm for all of January. February we switch to Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm.

I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is they must change if they are to get better. ~ George C. Lichtenburg

The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning. ~Ivy Baker Priest

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

FUN! Lots of fun, lots of ideas...

Wow! What a fun group! Tonight was the first night and it was a blast! I loved playing all the games and the ideas for things to do were great! Some of the ideas are: a movie night; lots of theater sports; raising money to support a cause in our community - like the SPCA; doing a project that involves social justice in our world- we have KUC members who are involved in projects in Cambodia and in Guatemala so there are opportunities there; coming up with a group name; a field trip; camping, adding our own pictures to our blog, and more! I love the ideas so just keep dreaming - who knows where we will end up! Thanks for the great time everyone! Michele
We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future. Franklin D. Roosevelt 32nd president of US (1882 - 1945)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What is going on????

Here's the scoop... Youth Group is going to hang out and get to know the new youth leader, have some fun, eat some food, have some fun, play some silly games, have more fun, brainstorm what we want to do, have more fun and eventually go home to your family to talk about the fun time you had at youth group with your fun and slightly silly leader! So the first real live Youth Group for 2008 is: January 8th 6:30-8:00pm Kamloops United Church Youth Room (downstairs@ KUC) 421 St Paul Street See ya there! Michele


Here it is the premier of the United Churches Youth Group Blog. This is a place where you - that means a youth between 10 and 12 years (grades 5-7) and your parents can check out what's going on in your group, show your friends - and thier parents -what is going on in your group, post how you feel, what you're up to or something creative you have done! You will be able to find links to other websites about youth and youth groups and other cool stuff as we find it. Welcome to the virtual part of our group, I hope to see the live you soon!