All about the youth group of the United Churches of Kamloops

Monday, February 25, 2008

Spiritual Friends

Well I was off travelling this weekend spending time with our Presbytery - that is the group of United Churches in the Kamloops Okanagan. We get together at least twice a year to make decisions about policies, find out what is happening in our churches, the United Churches in BC and the United Churches across Canada. It is pretty interesting but the thing I like the best is the people. I have had a couple of people talk about how the church is the people and that is so true. The cool thing about this weekend was seeing all the different people - including some really amazing youth- that make up our church! For church on Sunday the Minister spoke about Spiritual Friendships and right away I thought about youth group. In youth group we have talked a little about being teased because of going to church or about friends not knowing you go to church, to youth group, or believe in God. When it is difficult to be different because of a spiritual belief it is always easier to have spiritual friends. These friends speak some of the same language, have some of the same challenges and have a way of supporting each other that is unique in a great way! Thanks for being my spiritual friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.