Greg was thankful for upsidedownieness tonight, after all the majority of the youth group happened with most youth hanging upside down! Our first night back was remembering what amazing friends we have at youth group and how cool it was to see everyone after what seemed like years not months. But back to the upsidedowniness. All of that upsidedownieness has made me think about how being different can feel like being upside down in a world that is right side up. Sometimes being different can be about the little things like helping out your teacher at school or saying you aren't going to throw your garbage on the ground because you want to be kind to the earth. When you do something really different like believe in God, stand up for the uncool kid, or tell an adult when others or doing something totally risky like drinking then you can feel really upside down. The trick is to feel ok about a decision even if you feel upside down. Really who is to say upside down is the wrong way up? Me, I'm going with Greg - I'm thankful to God for my upsidedownieness - it feels pretty good and I know God loves me for it!
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