All about the youth group of the United Churches of Kamloops

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This November I will be taking a group of youth ages 12 years (grade 7) and up to Evolve your Faith: A gathering of Junior Youth, Senior Youth, Young Adults, their Leaders and Ministers in BC Conference of The United Church of Canada. Come with us to Vancouver for a weekend of faith, community, and fun. Be the Church in a great big way for Evolve 09.
Evolve your self: Spend time in STREAMS for Junior Youth (grades 7-9), Senior Youth (grades 10-12), Young Adults (18-35) and Youth Leaders learning about yourself and exploring your faith. Sign up for workshops that inspire you, and take part in some inspiring and creative worship and music with rEvolve - they are amazing. Seek to explore your own evolution as a person of Faith.
Evolve your community: come celebrate this new gathering in the United Church of Canada that brings together our community in the spirit of connection, learning and Faith. November 13-15.09Shaughnessy Heights United Church1550 West 33rd AvenueVancouver, BC Registration begins at 3:30 pm on Friday
Sliding Scale: pay what you can between $125 and $150!Includes all costs for the weekend including your travel if you are from outside of the four lower mainland Presbyteries! It’s a sweet deal. If you register after Nov. 1 cost is $150. Registration deadline: Nov. 9.
click to down load the the brochure and registration.


Greg was thankful for upsidedownieness tonight, after all the majority of the youth group happened with most youth hanging upside down! Our first night back was remembering what amazing friends we have at youth group and how cool it was to see everyone after what seemed like years not months. But back to the upsidedowniness. All of that upsidedownieness has made me think about how being different can feel like being upside down in a world that is right side up. Sometimes being different can be about the little things like helping out your teacher at school or saying you aren't going to throw your garbage on the ground because you want to be kind to the earth. When you do something really different like believe in God, stand up for the uncool kid, or tell an adult when others or doing something totally risky like drinking then you can feel really upside down. The trick is to feel ok about a decision even if you feel upside down. Really who is to say upside down is the wrong way up? Me, I'm going with Greg - I'm thankful to God for my upsidedownieness - it feels pretty good and I know God loves me for it!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Welcome Back

Here it is September all ready.... what happened to you this summer? I travelled places, saw things, met people, and became part of history! Sounds exciting doesn't it? Well my biggest and most exciting thing this summer was attending GC 40 - that is General Council 40. This was the 40th national gathering of the United Church of Canada and this year it was in Kelowna, BC. I was able to go as a commissioner which meant I was one of the hundreds of people who came to do the work of the church including deciding who would be the next moderator (leader) of the United Church of Canada. There were also children, young teens and youth who participated in GC 40 and two of them were from our youth group! Maia went as a young teen and Sean went as a child at council. They both had memorable experiences and I am sure you will hear more about them through out fall! One of the impacts being at GC40 has had on me is seeing how incredibly diverse our church is and how many young people - from children to young adults - who are involved in our church. It is so great to see how decisions can be shaped, informed and created as a result of the unique culture that those under 30 have. It is so great to know - to really see that culture valued. You are the church - we are the church and together we can impact one another and our world. See more GC 40 Stuff: On the web - On Flicker - On Youtube -